Monthly Archives: January 2016

Rocking my World

close up 3

Rhythmical flow,

movement of rolled stone,

rocking my world.

close up 4

Waves crashing,

ocean gifts of stones and shells

rocking my world.

close up 2

Peaceful waves

 pounding, resounding,

rocking my world.

wave rock

Searching shoreline,

plucking treasures from warm sand,

rocking my world.

close up 1

Reconnecting stones,

nature’s pattern reinvented,

rocking my world.

finished rock mosaic

Susie’s Rock Mosaic January 2016

Susie’s Wave Mosaic January 2013


Jump Up and Down

Recently a dear friend of mine passed on a book to me entitled, Four Word Self Help, Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives. Don’t get me wrong. My life isn’t all that complex anymore, but this is a sweet book. I have chosen the four words: JUMP UP AND DOWN as my four words today.

Life has provided many opportunities for jumping up and down. I was a cheerleader in high school and did a fair amount of it. Don’t laugh. It was the only “sport” that girls were allowed back in my day. Title IX came long after I graduated from high school. Congratulations to all the girls and women who have been entitled to play sports since then. I’m jumping up and down for you.

It’s funny, but even as a 69 year old woman, I still jump for joy often. I’ve never stopped doing it and I highly recommend it to you. Let go! Show your happiness.

Here’s a photo of my 48 year old son and his 36 year old wife when they went on the whale shark trip in November last year with us. I didn’t ask them to jump up and down. They just did it.



Happiness is catching.

Makes you want to jump up and down, doesn’t it?







A friend of mine posted “I AM” on Facebook today.

It got me to thinking about what I am, but more importantly,

what I want to be.

How we see ourselves is important, no doubt. I’m no philosopher. Not even close. So I’m not going to get all philosophical on you. I do believe that we can create ourselves. We have options. I do love options.

What am I? Just like you, I am many things. Just like you, I may not always like the “me”I am in a given moment.

Two days ago I was angry with a capital A. Pissed off is more like it. Hurt. Confused. Disillusioned. I don’t want those things to define me.

So what does define me? Right now I think I would like to see myself as transforming, vivacious and strong.

I think I’ll choose those three things for my mantra today.

I am transforming, vivacious and strong.

Who knows what I’ll choose tomorrow.

The key is to choose wisely.

You have to catch the ball before you can throw it.

This can be a metaphor for life, even though it pertains to baseball. Don’t put the cart before the horse, don’t count your chickens…blah, blah, blah.

Timing is everything and while I’ve known this for a long while, today I was given a smack upside my head as a nice little reminder.

The story: We sold our beautiful VW van to a friend. She said she wanted it. We trusted that she did. On her word we felt it was a done deal and we considered it sold. She drove it, we showed her everything about how to care for it, gave her our bazillion extra parts, and she was excited. She went home with the plan to get us our down payment by tomorrow (Tuesday) and we would keep the car till it was paid for.

At this point, I deleted the ads I’d run and told two other prospective buyers that it was sold. A gentleman in Seattle had offered to buy the van for its full asking price, as well as give us $1,000 more if we delivered it to San Diego, but yesterday I told him we had it sold. So sorry, I told him.

We bought another vehicle for $10,000 with the idea that we had sold the van. We’re all set now, right?

Apparently not. Our friend, who will remain nameless, just called and said she changed her mind. “It’s just not a good idea for me right now,” she tells me.

“What? What?” I exclaim. “I already told the other people it was sold.”

“I know, I’m sorry. But I couldn’t sleep last night and I don’t think this is a good idea for me right now.”

You have to catch the ball before you can throw the ball. Don’t put the cart before the horse and don’t count your chickens until they hatch.

Don’t buy a new car until you have the money for the one you sold.

And don’t trust ANYBODY.




I don’t want to be bitter. So I’ll work at getting over it. In the meantime, I have learned:










Poetry of Love


When I come to you

with tears that fall and

splatter to the ground,

you hold me close

and declare to my sorrow

“Devotion is your armor.”


When I come to you

with worries that break

the spell of our love,

you whisper love’s remedies

and declare to my concerned heart

“Imagination is your armor.”


When I come to you

with panic that resounds

in your world miles away,

you calm my fears

and declare to my faraway heart

“Stillness is your armor.”


When I come to you

with hopes and dreams of us

together for eternity,

you hold me close revealing

intimate secrets of assurance


“My love is your armor.”




The poetry of your love

its sonorous effects

tied with a string or

set free on the windowsill


Like any moment in a dream

provoking questions of love or

transferring definitions to seek

alignment as a signal to my heart


Your intimate approach

a shape emerging gently

as a stroke of your fingers

touching the skin of my skin


The density of expression

its lyric energy singing

a rhetorical rhythm

revealed to mine ears alone


Neither kindness of a compliment

or heat of sexual pleasure

supply the magic ointment

as does the poetry of your love