Spark of Creativity

I have some questions about creativity.

  1. Where does creativity come from?
  2. Does it start at your toes and go straight all the way to your head and then down to your limbs?
  3. What triggers creativity?
  4. Doesn’t everybody have it?
  5. Why do some claim they don’t have it?

Currently I seem to be antsy. You know, where you can’t sit still without wanting to engage your hands and your mind? Some may wish to engage their feet too…dancing is creative. You use your whole body for that.

It is my belief that my Baja desert-ocean-mountain surroundings trigger some of my own wish to be creative.







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So, that might be one answer for that question, right? One’s surroundings inspire creativity. Do you find that to be true for you too?

I have no skill for drawing. I have to look at something and work really hard to make a drawing turn out the way I want. My middle son just sees it in his brain and out it comes from his hand. He’s an artist. He even makes a living at it. People ask where he “got it” and I have to say it certainly wasn’t from me. It was a gift from The Creator.

My first born son plays guitar. He excels at it. It is something he loves and has worked hard at. He uses his gift for music and finds fulfillment that way.

The youngest son is a runner and loves all things outdoors. He finds himself drawn to learning too and is getting his doctor of physical therapy. When he finished in April he’ll find a new way to demonstrate his gifts.

All of us have been given gifts and those are the things we are naturally drawn to doing. I feel sad for those who say they have no gifts. I just don’t believe that for a minute.

I want to find my creativity in any way I can, and not worry that it’s not up to some standard of excellence. It’s just a way of experiencing life in a fun way. Life should not be all work. If I want to dance in the living room with the music blasting, or sing at the top of my lungs, I can do that. As long as the neighbor’s aren’t bothered. On second thought, forget the neighbors. Let them sing and dance too loud and long too. As a matter of fact, my neighbors have been known to do this. It’s all good.

Let’s all paint, and walk, and write, and climb, and run, and surf, and swim, and sing, and dance…let’s all create something fun for ourselves. It’s healthy. Pay attention to what’s around you. I’m sure you can find your muse.



I’m playing with watercolor. Is it art? Hell no. Is it fun? Hell yes!

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