4-20-20 La Luna

Started out in the dark this morning and were treated to this beauty of a fingernail moon.

Sierra de La Laguna Mountains

We are grateful to have this quiet time every morning. It’s easy to forget we are in the middle of the virus storm, if only for an hour or so.

Soon these chile poblanos will make it to market. Not sure if they will go to California, but I know there will be chile rellenos in our future.

Chile Rellenos

I don’t fry mine in oil; instead I bake them. And I am not going to mess up my recipe with meat or shrimp. I like mine with cheese. The most time-consuming part is peeling off the skin. I used to use the stove top burner, but I started putting them in the oven at high heat 450 degrees F for about 20 minutes (turning a couple times) and then I put them in a plastic bag for 10 minutes. After they have been in the bag for 10 minutes, I dip them into an ice water bath. The skins come off easily and then I have to slice the pepper to reveal the seeds. I like to remove the seeds before stuffing with lots of cheese and onions. I bake them for about 10 minutes at 400 before I pour on the whipped egg white mixed with yolk (after whipping). I put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes or so and I dollop my home-made cooked salsa on top with some Greek yogurt or sour cream. Yummy. Complicated, time consuming and gone in a minute.

These fields are often sprayed, and we have to wash our chiles well.

Yesterday when I posted the photo of our house from the back I think it gave an impression that we have a huge house. We don’t really. It’s 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, outdoor dining and other outdoor decks for viewing and relaxing and exercising (if you are dedicated to that sort of activity).

North side of Casa Contenta
The south side of the house where you come in the gate.
My art studio: Castillo de Colores, and the garage on the right.

So, we’re home from our walk and it’s time to make breakfast. Granola with fresh strawberries and blueberries and mangos and yogurt. We will accompany that with a protein smoothie. After that it’s time to go up to the deck and exercise. Yeah, life is good.

Oh, and remember to celebrate National Poetry Month. Write a poem or read a poem or do both.

Here’s one of mine:

The Dance

The wind is dancing on my deck.
Playful are the tables and chairs
for they join the dance.

A tapping, bouncing, sliding.
Surprise! The chair does a pirouette
before it tumbles to the ground.
It cannot right itself. Poor chair.

I venture onto the deck.
I'll save you, Chair!
My hair joins the dance. It
lifts and twirls and slaps my
face. I shiver in my socks.
Wind whips, and the clouds are

traveling at great speed.
Hurrying to bring more rain. (laughter)
Come on, Chair. Stand up.
There now. That's better.
The wind wants more dancers 
for this prom. Leaves join in.

Hair and leaves and chairs
and tables and wind choose
partners. Wait! Rain has come
with its own joyful competitive
and playful spirit. Thunder now,
and lightning too. Let's dance!

Would somebody turn that music down?

2 thoughts on “Another Day, Another Walk, a Moon, and a Chile Field

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