Dear Alcohol


Dear Alcohol,

You do not hold sway with me anymore. I used to drink like a fish. No more. Good-bye, good riddance. 

You were in my life before I realized how good and lovable I am. Yes, you heard me. I am lovable, but with you I wasn’t. In fact, I was a different person. A completely different person, almost unrecognizable as being me. 

Thank goodness I broke it off with you so many years ago. For awhile I missed you. I really did. But then I got to thinking about how the people around me acted who were still hanging in there with you. Many of them looked and acted pretty awful. I thought, “Oh my! That was me!” 

Now I just stay with my new friend, Sobriety. What a relief. Now I look healthier, feel lighter and so much happier. Even when things go wrong, I keep hanging with my new friend, Sobriety, and that means I can function on a whole  different level, ready to face whatever the day may bring.

Oh, and I have a new tribe of other friends now too. We meet and greet each other quite often. It feels good to know that there are a lot of people who have broken up with you. Together, one day at a time, we can stick with our new friend, Sobriety. 

While breaking up may be hard to do, as the old song goes,  it has been the right thing for me. Good-bye, good riddance, Alcohol. I don’t miss you anymore. 


With alcohol you choose one thing over everything. With sobriety you chose everything over one thing. I choose sobriety!

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